
25-03-2012: the initial basic pay of DRJTOs of 2007&2008 batch will be fixed at Rs. 19020/- ( 5 increment with16400)...

Freinds why the committee that was supposed to be formed as per information re ceived from Representative union ( when we were allied with them). Do they forget ? and our representative union should represent the 100% case of non-executives where a cadre is affected. they should clear that do they support attitude of administration or they will go for the case of non-executive. Actually fact is they are careless about the new comer. we did not found the cordiallity from them regarding these burning issue when we were with them & now also..
the other trade unions is still found careless about the fact. we ask all the non-executive union to attend our issue. when a cadre as whole is being suffered , bring yourself out of the politics and persue the case jointly  as like of the case of execituves.