A grand arrangement was made by our Kharagpur SSA. The conference was conducted at conference hall of Kharagpur GM Office. All serviceTrade Union & Executive Leaders were present and share their views regarding TTAs. We are thankful to them
AGM (HR & Admin) was also present and delivered speech. The conference was inaugurated by AGM (HR &Admin). All the leaders offer to lighten the candle.
After lunch internal session started and discussion took place on the following issues……………………
1. Last year Activity…..
2. Organizational review…..
3. 30%fitment updated news…..why delay in court?
4. JTO LICE status…….
5. New circle body formation….
6. Fund collection…..
7. Increase our unity…..
Why this conference reveals its importance?
Mind that SNATTA WB first conference was conducted at Victoria Garden without arrangement
2nd circle conference was conducted at CTTC, Salt lake with minimum arrangement.
But this time SNATTA made circle conference at the conference room of GMT office of Kharagpur with administrative presence and knowledge and almost all unions were present there with proper decorum maintained by Kharagpur SSA leaders.
Although our issues are yet to be solved but DRTTAS through SNATTA is going to be acceptable at all levels. This is our achievement.