
05-04-2012: Homage to our beloved leader.......

SNATTA krishnagar  pays homage to the warrior of SNATTA, Shri A Ravi Kumar DS SNATTA Warangal SSA A.P who passed away on 22nd March 2012.  He is survived by his widowed mother, young wife and one year old son.  His services to the AP SNATTA can never be forgotten.  The demise of Shri Ravi Kumar is a great loss to his family and the SNATTA. NATTA CHQ requests all the TTAs and the local body of SNATTA to extend all possible help to the family of Shri Ravi Kumar.  SNATTA requests the local body to inform the CHQ in case of any issue related to the help/assistance required for completion of official formalities and also requests the local body to work out the possibilities of compassionate appointment to his wife and keep the CHQ intimated of the proceedings
SNATTA sincerely feels most deeply for the family of Shri Ravi Kumar, in this sad hour of bereavement. The loss is too severe to be expressed in words, and nothing can ever be done to compensate this huge loss to his family.  Ravi, May your soul finds peace and comfort.  We miss you.