
20-07-2011: Comments of CMD on DIRECT RECRUITS of BSNL.........

CMD BSNL has categorically suggested to them (AIGETOA) that if they (Direct Recruits) are worried about the career prospects, why they don’t just leave BSNL and find career somewhere else than
waiting for career in this company as they are young, talented and qualified and have a lot of scope outside. Friends SNATTA has also got this type of answers from BSNL management at various levels when fighting for Direct Recruits. This shows a clear apathy of BSNL management on the genuine issues of Direct Recruits and their aspirations and in a sense justifies the court case filed by SNATTA on the issue of 30% fitment. We were very hopeful of the present CMD and Dir (HR) but they have let us down. It is really ironical that at a time when the head of the company should think of rewarding the performers and the younger generation of employees in return of higher outputs and exemplary performance, he has spelled out a controversy by suggesting such a negative idea. This will surely let the morale of the young engineers in BSNL to further fall. At one place CMD has endorsed the view of the Hon MOC & IT to reward the CGM’s for achieving the 25% excess revenue but has forgotten the workforce who will do it for the CGM’s. These double standards of the BSNL management and the vested interests have led to the fall of BSNL. Yes the time has come to seriously view the present dismal situation in BSNL. Yes we should also ask why we should continue to take such burdens on us. Why should we reap a fruit whose juice is and will be enjoyed by others? Yes we should introspect.......